Every day, smartphones are getting smarter, A.I. is becoming more intelligent and our environment seems to be getting worse every year. If you want to travel 50 years into the the future, what the world would look like? Here's What Will The World Look Like 50 Years From Now. 

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years 

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years - LifeSavingThings
Look down at your and phone think how far technology has evolved in the last 10 years. Have you ever imagined what technical things might look like in 50 years? What about your family and friends? What'll happen to them? 


What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
In 50 years time we may actually look back and laugh at how we had to hold our phones. How primative! Instead, our smartphones will either be worn, or implanted in us through contact lenses. Imagine being able to have your GPS embedded in your vision, instead of having to look down at your phone. this all sounds good, But there will be problems too. If you don't want to fast-forward yourself into the future because you're worried that your family might not be around but you can rest easy, Well for that let's move to our next point. 

Life Span

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
Do you Know that in 50 years, A average person's life expectancy will be about 80-90 years. That's over 10 years longer than what it is today. Since the 1960s our population percentages have always looked like a pyramid. But 50 years in the future that pyramid will look like nothing but a rectangle. This means that there will be an equal percentage of senior citizens to toddlers. This, will have a huge effect on the economy. Grandma and Grandpa will be retiring much later, and when they do, those seniors' homes are going to be packed. With more people in the work force.


What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
Just graduated school? Jobs will be harder to find. Expect to live at home with mom and dad a bit longer. Especially since Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to be working over 800 million of our former jobs by 2030. and yes, that is alot! and The world's population will increase. By this time.


What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
The Earth's population will have reached a staggering more than 9 billion people. More people means more problems. There will be a much higher probability of food shortages as we try to grow crops to feed everyone. Crops will be harder to grow as well, with increasing temperatures. And with 70% of the world's population living in cities, crowding will lead to more diseases being spread, and faster. As for the environment of planet earth, that will doesn't look too good either.

Higher temperature

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
The Amazon rainforest will be deforested and in next 50 years, More than half of it will be gone into ashes. Don't expect it to come back either increasing climate change will render it a parched shrubland. Higher temperatures will cause polar ice caps to less than 50% of what they are today. and it's water will continue to evaporate. Thinking about going to cities like New Orleans, Miami, and Houston in American? Sorry, but you're out of luck. Hurricanes will get a lot worse than now in the next 50 years, as well as higher water levels leading to us abandoning the Gulf Coast. But don't worry, it isn't all bad! Although the world may be dying slowly, But it's not the only place for humans to live. 

Another Earth

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
In the next 50 years, humans will have begun colonizing Mars. Private companies will even be attempting to travel to the Alpha Centauri system, the closest star system to our Solar System. While there we'll visit the Proxima-centauri B planet which has a good chance of housing alien life. If we don't find any aliens there, we might decide to colonize it ourselves. 

You Won't Need Doctors

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
So, we've talked about the human race, and the environment, but what about you? What's going to happen with you 50 years into the future? Well first off, you won't have to go to the doctor for your annual checkup. In future You'll have a device from which you can scan yourself from any diseases. Watch for body modifications to rise in popularity. And we're not talking about tattoos or piercings. You'll be able to get things like cybernetic eyes that will allow you to see better, and to see things that are invisible to us today like radiation.

Customized Babies

What Will The World Look Like In Next 50 Years
If you'll be rich enough from your Bitcoin investment, then you can get yourself a designer baby. These babies can be perfectly customized as you want, you can change simply what they look like to things like, their height, their behaviour and smartness. A.I. will be as smart as humans. They won't have taken over the world just yet, but they'll be well on their way. A.I. will constantly be progressing in intellgence, soon being smarter than humans could ever imagine ourselves. Expect them to be working with us, while humans have more advanced roles in our jobs.

Final Words

So, are you ready for all the good and bad that comes with the future? If not, that's okay! So Just live in the present, Enjoy what you have today, Be thankful, Believe in god and slowly grow into the next 50 years. Well, Who knows, in the future we won't even talk about these type of scenarios anymore.

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